A collection of poems and other writings...

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Getting Married

(Please note names have not been changed to protect the innocent...)

Alison Ewens
and Michael Wolf
were getting married.

We knew that -
because Alison
rolled over and over
on the football field on Tuesday
at playtime
after dinner.

We all stood around
 then walked slowly
 with her rolling
at our feet
 all the way along
from one goal
the other.

Michael was there too -
he would not let anyone
get too close
it might be dangerous.

Dominic Patterson and Nicholas Downton
wanted to see
Alison and Michael kissing.
Alison told us
that if she asked
to kiss her
he would.

Michael said he would kiss her, too,
if she asked him.

But she did not ask him -

and he did not kiss her -

but we all knew
that they would be
getting married
one day
probably fairly soon.

But Dominic and Nicholas
were not convinced
and went off to play marbles
by the canteen.

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