A collection of poems and other writings...

Saturday, 14 June 2014


A tale of dimensions and miscommunication
source: http://www.qe2.org.uk/

When they built the QE2
we did it at school.

Mr Higham
taught us all how long it was.
He said it was about
three miles long
from proud to sternum
or something
and we all had to go up the road
and stand
and be markers
and count all the
ten yards that would make up the three miles
or however long it was.

I was seven ten yardses
up from the school gate.
So I was standing there
and some people were left standing
being only two ten
yardses -
or three ten yardses -
they were really close to the gate.

Then everybody else
went round the
to be two hundred
and fifty yards
or three hundred and ninety yards
and things.
And it all went very quiet.

For quite a long time.

I said to sixty yards
that it was boring.
He said it was too.
Fifty yards said he
needed to go toilet.

We stood there for ages
and you could hear all the others
a long way off
great fun
three hundred and seventy yards
and such.

Then after a long time
Paul Louth came running back
from around
the corner.

We got right to the post box -
he said.
But we’ve finished
so we can go back and have playtime.

So sixty ran off
back to the playground
fifty ran off
back to the toilets.
And so I ran off -
back to the classroom -
to get my marbles.

But Mr Higham
came breathing right down
low and hot
into my ear
just as I was
walking down the path
by the church.

I could smell his pipe.
His hand was as big as a bookcase.
It grabbed my elbow.

Where was I going
did he tell me I could go
one more thing like this and he was onto me
I should mark his words
just one more thing
he would not have anyone
making muckery of his lessons
did I understand.

I told him I did.

But I didn’t.

What is ‘muckery’?
I’ve never done it.

Later that afternoon
when I had done the picture of
the Police Cadet In His Uniform
I called Mr Higham
by mistake.

My face went hot.

Everyone laughed.

Except Mark Donovan
who had come to school
with pink nail varnish on his fingers.

He had spilled it
but Mr Higham
told him he must have done it on purpose

because he was a girl.

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