A collection of poems and other writings...

Friday, 23 May 2014

Mars Bar

In Keymarkets,
Mum takes her shopping
up to the till.

Hello, Eileen, says Mum
how's your Mum?

Eileen taps the numbers into the till
as she tells Mum
how her mum is.

Mum holds out her money.
She pays.

It's Saturday
and it's sweets.

I’ve got a Mars bar
in one hand
and a sixpence
in the other.

The woman behind us
 puts her basket down
on the checkout.

Eileen starts
tapping her numbers into the till.

I do not know what to do.

Mum calls me.

I go after her.

I still have the Mars bar.
I still have the sixpence.

In the car I get a very
sick feeling
in my stomach
when I eat the Mars bar.

I push the sixpence
right down the back of the back seat,

Mum turns around.
Are you all right? she asks.

I tell her about
how I am feeling sick
Mum says
Are you going to be sick?
I say no.

I do not tell her

about the sixpence.

On Sunday,
on the way to Mass,
I feel better
but I can't reach the sixpence - 
it has gone too far down.

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