A collection of poems and other writings...

Wednesday 19 November 2014

To an Early Blackbird

Another homework exercise - we've been looking at e e cummings...

we hear you,
atop the stillhouetted tree
spillthrill the dreich with your persuasive song -
slice the ice air cleanly through and
clear the night from out of these dark webs.

source: http://www.nakedeyeplanets.com/venus-conjunctions.htm

you raise breath, bones and bill towards
the drinkling sky
and shiver soundclouds slooping
round the terraced walls,
while we, two dumbly sleeping pillow stalkers,
flail for five few minutes more
in the trying embers of this turgid night.

we who have loved and loved and loved
cocooned and canopied
hear-hear your counter-pointing carolling
while the startclimbing, starblinding Sun pours
cream and custard rays
behind the guarding gate.

you break the fast-held night in two –

we two, in night, hold fast the break. 

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