Back in the days of paper money and a decent postal service, Ruth's mum would slip a crisp £5 note in with a birthday card.
It had to be crisp, preferably fresh from the post office counter. You simply could not put a crumpled up note in as a birthday present! That would never do.On those occasions when a fresh, crisp one wasn't available, she would take an old one from her purse, run it under the tap, then hold it flat in the palm of her hand and gently rub the soap over it a few times, working it into the paper, watching the suds turn muddy grey between her fingers, before a final rinse. Then she'd press it flat against the side of the bath to dry overnight, retrieving the note in the morning freshly washed and ironed.
It may not have had quite the allure of a note in mint condition, but it was at least tidy and clean with a patina of care and attention.
And just a hint of Imperial Leather.